About this map

This map uses the open layers API to allow users to add their own markers to a map for such as tracking locations such as their work, home or university. The map allows you to click a button and fill in a form that sends data to a postgres database that being ces-gis. It also uses php and xml requests to retrieve this data from the server and allow it to display this dynamic data. This data can be seen upon clicking on a marker. The map also allows uses to choose the feature type, either leisure, residential, educational or other. This property allows allows for different styles to be applied to the markers allowing for easier to see various types of buildings/features. The map also has various options allowing the data to be shown either in a heatmap form, showing areas witha a high density of features, or a cluster form allowing for easy loading time and simpler viewing as all the points are not being displayed at once.

Features Of this map

  • Dynamic Data
  • PHP on OpenLayers
  • Base Layer Switcher
  • XML Requests
  • Sending Data to the CES-GIS server
  • Custom popup/Modal
  • User Input
  • Forms with Validations
  • Attribute Based Styles in PHP (Only ever shown in WMS)
  • Heat Mapping
  • Clustering
  • Custom pop up displaying data
  • Right clicking on the map allows you to save an image of the map and download it