About this map

This is a simple map using the Leaflet API to display various pub data from across the UK. The map uses both WFS and PHP to draw data from the database. The first being WFS to gain the Irish pubs and the details relating to that, and PHP to get data stored within ces-gis to directly display all the pubs in the mainland UK. The map also uses a KNN function to find the spatially nearest pub to a user, hightlighting these in blue whilst also pointing at to where the user is and the accuracy of this range. The Map also uses clustering to help with the error or stacked markers and also aid in load time and ease of zooming in and out once data is loaded. Upon clicking a marker you can view the specific data about the Pub such as name, address and the authority it belongs to. The map Also features a custom layer switcher with a WMS loaded UK consituency layer with custome style and zoom levels showing name sof each local authority.

Features Of this map

  • KNN Function
  • Custom Markers
  • WMS,WFS and PHP
  • Layer Switcher
  • Custom Base Layer
  • Custom WMS Style Featuring Zoom levels
  • Clustering of features with plugin
  • Location from browser with accuracy radius
  • Pop ups displaying details about the marker
  • Server Sided Processing